Good Tips For Your Indoor Gardening Project

Posted by Waston Chen on

Indoor Gardening

In the winter or some days, many people miss having fresh garden produce, and many are willing also grow it indoors. But planting indoors is a bit challenging. When we have fresh tomatoes on a sandwich or fresh peas on a winter salad makes it worth the effort.

Growing plants in a green house is an option for providing winter produce, but heating and lighting can be expensive. A more cost-effective method is to provide additional lighting and optimal temperatures and grow plants in the home.

Below is the most plant Absorption Spectra Of Pigments, you can find the Chlorophyll Curve. Yes it is important, indoor planting is doing business with Chlorophyll.

(Optimal absorption of light occurs at different wavelengths for different pigments. Image modified from “The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis: Figure 4,” by OpenStax College, Biology)

If you are interesting in Indoor garden,  consider below 5 tips.

1, Lighting

West or south-facing windows provide sufficient light for many crops. Another option is to use inexpensive florescent lights placed approximately 6 inches from the plants. Incandescent bulbs should not be used since the wavelengths of the light they produce are not readily used by plants. Grow lights are an option, but they do not work any better than florescent bulbs an  are more expensive.

Lighting is so important because the light can be ate by green. Many said using the Full Spectrum light source. But we know some wavelengths is no need for plants. So using the ideal light recipe is the key.

Different Light Source Wavelengths from the web

(Different Light Source Wavelengths from the web)

From USU studies, the blue light does not effect on fresh or dry mass, percent dry mass, leaf area or specific leaf area but leaf length.

Soybeans with grow light different percentage blue light From MSU Cope and Bugbee.

(Soybeans with grow light different percentage blue light From MSU Cope and Bugbee.)

2, Temperature

A good temperature for most plants is around 70 F. Some gardeners have attempted to grow plants in an unheated garage during the winter with no success. This is not surprising since the garage acts as a natural refrigerator in the winter.

History isn’t encouraging.  really extreme high temperatures, the kind of thing that used to happen very rarely in the past, have now become fairly common. Next picture you can the relative data chart.

Temperature In The Summer, Source From the web

(Temperature In The Summer, Source From the web)

3, Soil

Potting soil works best for indoor growing and is available from many local retailers. Once plants have been growing for about a month, they often require fertilizer to keep them healthy.

4, Pests and Disease

Even human being would be ill one day, to say nothing of Plants.

Monitor Plants closely for insect pests and disease. When a plant appears to be infested, isolate it from the others to prevent further spread. Heavily infested plants should be thrown away.

5, Vegetable Choices

Source From the web

(Source From the web)

Lettuce, peas and many herbs generally do well when grown indoors. Dwarf varieties of peas or other crops are are often preferred since regular varieties may grow too large for limited indoors spaces. Dwarf varieties can be found form seed companies online and sometimes from local retailers.

Which plant  you want to plant is really important, if you choose the right thing, you can win on the beginning.

Now, what is going on to do?

Try something until you make it.

Taun Beddes
Light and photosynthetic pigments
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